Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting Into Character: The Intuitive

Thanks for stopping by. It’s Friday so you know what that means—time for Getting Into Character. Today we will focus on the flip-side of our discussion from last week which was Sensors. Remember we are looking at how people handle all that information around them. We are inundated with facts, news, data, and information and our brains seek out ways to deal with it  in a way we can understand. The Sensors do that through their five senses.

If you are not a Sensor, then you should find yourself in today’s discussion on Intuitives. Intuitives are often described as insightful, innovative, or creative. They value creativity and what is unseen. Intuitives take in information through a “sixth sense” web of hunches, analogies, and connections. They often surprise those around them with their use of new or unusual approaches to information. They might know the rules, but they often come up with their own version of them. While Sensors see “what is”, Intuitives see “what could be”.

Teachers and parents of Intuitives may describe them as “strong-willed” or “difficult” because they will stick with the rules only until they find a “better” way. They look for ways to change the status quo and make things better, instead of relying on what has worked in the past or on tradition.

Intuitives may appear distracted or scattered because they don’t approach information in a methodical way but rather skip around and may hone in onthings that are new or seem of more importance first.

If you see yourself in this description, rejoice because you often see what is below the surface and learn things about situations and people that the Sensors miss. Your creativity and innovation amaze and excite (and might scare!) those who have a more practical mind. You enjoy careers that allow you to make changes as necessary and the focus is on possibility and innovation.

If you are a Sensor, you may have a significant other that is an Intuitive. If so, don’t discount their opinion—they see things differently, not wrong. You may find freedom in the break from rules that no longer work or in new and unusual approaches to common things. They may find your need for the process frustrating, so you will need to find a balance.

If you see your child in this description, you will need to help them succeed in school since traditional education is, well, traditional and Intuitives aren’t. Help him/her develop the innate sense of understanding people and listen when they say they “just feel funny” or “something doesn’t seem right”.

If you see yourself in this description, but not your other family members, you will need to be patient with their methodical approach to information. You can help them see your point when you explain the practical benefits of your innovative approach. Be patient with them when they balk at giving up long-standing rules.

When Jewel was younger, she would frequently "zone out" on us with these wild, creative "other" personas. Sometimes she would be "Toni" the big sister or "Alex" the dog. On occasion she would even be inanimate objects like tape recorders. One day when she was about 3, we had the following conversation. This clinched in my mind that she was, indeed, an Intuitive.

“Jewel, it is time for nap.”

“I’m not Jewel. I’m a tape recorder.”

“Okay, tape recorder, it is time to turn off and take a nap.”

“Do you want to hear a song?” (Clearly stalling.)

“Yes. How about ‘Jesus Loves Me’?”

“Oh. That one needs rewound…”(blubblubblub—sound effect of tape rewinding)

“Jewel, do you have things that go on inside your head all the time?”

“Uh-huh,” she says and smiles.

“Even when no one is talking to you?”

Her eyes get big and she nods her head.

“What is it like up there?”

She pauses and her eyes flit toward the ceiling, her mind thinking. Finally recognition dawns on her face and she says, “It’s a circus!”

Do you recognize anyone you know in this post? How can you use this information to better your relationships?

Next week we will look at the third pairing and learn how you make decisions.

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