Below you will find a list of books most recommended by the members of American Christian Fiction Writers. Included are books on Craft, Characterization, Marketing, Grammar, and Writing in General.
*45 Master Characters--Lynn Schmidt
*An Introduction to Christian Writing--Ethel Herr
*Alicia Rasley--6 book set (see some titles below)
* A Novel Approach--Kathy Jacobson
* A Novel Idea: The Best Advice on Writing Inspirational Fiction--Chi Libris/Tyndale
*Attachments: Why You Love, Feel, and Act the Way You Do--Drs. Tim Clinton & Gary Sibcy
*Between the Lines--Jessica Page Morell
*Break Into Fiction: 11 Steps to Building a Story That Sells--May Buckham & Dianna Love
*Building Believable Characters--Marc McCutcheon
*Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist--Jeff Gerke
*Characters, Emotion, and Viewpoint--Nancy Kress
*Christian Counseling--Collins
*Christian Fiction (?)--Penelope Stokes
*Christian Writers' Market Guide--Sally Stuart
*English Through the Ages--William Brohaugh
*Fiction for Dummies--Randy Ingermanson
*Fiction is Folks--Robert Newton Peck
*Flip Dictionary--?
*Getting Into Character--Brandilyn Collins
*GMC: Goal, Motivation, Conflict--Debra Dixon, avail. through Gryphon Books on-line
*How to Grow a Novel--So Stein
*How to Write and Sell a Christian Novel--Gilbert Morris
*How to Write Best-Selling Fiction--Dean Koontz
*On Writing--Stephen King
*Polishing the P.U.G.S.--Kathy Ide
*Revising Fiction: Making Sense of the Madness--Kirk Hickman
*Revision and Editing--James Scott Bell
*Self-Editing for Fiction Writers--Browne & King
*Snowflake--Randy Ingermanson
*Sometimes the Magic Works--Terry Brooks
*Stein on Writing--Sol Stein
*The Art and Craft of Storytelling--Nancy Lamb
*The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction--Jeff Gerke
*The Art of War for Writers--James Scott Bell
*The Career Novelist--Donald Maas
*The Christian Imagination--Leland Ryken
*The Christian Writer's Manual of Style--Zondervan
*The Elements of Style--Strunk & White
*The Power of Point of View--Alicia Rasley
*The Story Within--Alicia Rasley
*The Writer's Art--James Kilpatrick
*The Writing Life--Annie Dillard
*Write Away--Elizabeth George
*Writers' Guide to Character Traits--Linda Edelstein
*Writing for Emotional Impact--Karl Iglesias
*Writing the Breakout Novel--Donald Maas
*Writing the Christian Romance--Gail Gaymer Martin
*The Writing the Fiction Synopsis: A Step By Step Approach--Pam McCuthcheon, avail. through Gryphon Books on-line
Also Recommended:
*Editing/Grammar books by Kathy Ide
*Teaching CDs by Michael Hauge (avail. on-line, I believe)
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