Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Everything's Springing Up--Kittens!

So, you know April showers bring May flowers. But do you know what May thunderstorms bring? Kittens! There is just something about the atmospheric pressure changes of a storm or maybe the fact that ready-to-pop momma cats are snuggled in tight in the hay that cause kittens to crop up after a spring storm.

So, with all this rain this spring, it's the perfect time to announce a new arrival at our house. No, not kittens, but a book about kittens. Well, not just kittens, but cats of all ages and stages.

Recently available in stores and on-line, this newest addition to the Chicken Soup family of books is all about cats--the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of life with those clever, crafty, cuddly felines.

My story, The Truce, is nestled among 100 other cat-chy stories from people who love and learn from their cats--whether they want to or not.

So, even if you don't have new kittens popping up in your hayloft...or bushes...or doghouse...or window well, you can live vicariously through the stories in this heart-warming book.

Nikki Studebaker Barcus